Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Pig Farmers of Antifa Coming to Boston May 13

Boston Common at noon.

Here's the link.

Interesting how every 12-18 months the same Leftist fcuks do their Leftist schtick under a new Leftist organizational name?  Just sayin'.

Extirpate fewer than 500 of these Leftists across the nation and watch how docile they become...

Monday, May 8, 2017

Antifa, BAMN, BLM, Welfare Sluts, Brown Shirts - all are Pig Farmers

“I’m not a great optimist about the western civilization.” - PJB, here.

When I was young a common pejorative when discussing Communist Russia (USSR) was 'Pig Farmer'.  As the story goes the average Communist, represented by the Russian Pig Farmer, had the following outlook on the world:  Pig Farmer Alexei owned 2 pigs.  Pig Farmer Vlad owned 3 pigs.  So, Pig Farmer Alexei called the KGB and demanded that they come and kill one of Pig Farmer Vlad's pigs, thus restoring equality to his world.

When Pat Buchanan comments about his pessimism for Western Civilization, it is because Pig Farmers are no longer simply mental midgets found behind the Iron Curtain.  The Pig Farmer ideology has infected America to Her core.  The rationale of the Pig Farmer is so entrenched in the masses of American citizens, it goes unidentified by most.

98% of Americans working for 'The State' are Pig Farmers.  Every single American who accepts .Gov benefits - but for wounded .mil vets and those who have accepted less than they ever 'contributed' to the system - are Pig Farmers.  I can not identify one single politician outside of the elected County Sheriff who is not a Pig Farmer - either sharing the ideology or slopping the Pigs.

The most insidious collection of Pig Farmers in America - even more repugnant than the Welfare Class - can often be found working next to you.  Whether you sweep floors in a warehouse, drive a prison bus, or perform some other menial, unskilled service industry job, you definitely need look no further than your co-workers to find a few Pig Farmers.  Many Pig Farmers never have to look further than the mirror.  These are the slugs of society who think they make a contribution to Western Civilization by virtue of their very existence, while complaining and attempting to sabotage genuine producers in the economy - the men and women who help to construct buildings and machines, the men and women who build products and thus employ machinists and technicians and other genuine contributors.

The Pig Farmer Class in America would evaporate overnight if the parasites among us would begin to produce tangible widgets, or medicine, or advances in tech that help reduce the unit cost of production.

Hell, even if your greatest aspiration in life is to peddle Camel Toe, at least muster the gumption to produce your own and not simply recycle what you find in a Google Search, for Fcuk sake.

...or, they could simply STFU and let their betters do the work they are unwilling and incapable of accomplishing..

But that will not happen - because in their Souls they are Pig Farmers.

Antifa Training for Combat in America!

Here's the FB page.

Any objectively honest Patriot will admit several points: Too many 'Patriots' are fat, lazy, over 45, under-trained, comfortable on the sofa and unwilling to clear leather.

Another objectively demonstrable point: The Leftists are better organized, better financed, more motivated, generally much younger, training harder than most 'Militia' units, have far more support among the general population, - and will be willing to shoot first. It is a tiny step from hurling a Molotov to popping-off live rounds.

For every 'Patriot' tempted to float the rebuttals and excuses - don't bother.  We are dealing with objective observations.  Sure, 'once Patriots get into the fight' the paradigm may change.  But let's be intellectually honest - as you read this post, you will NOT pick up your kit and 'get into the fight' if a few Leftists drop a few OathKeepers or MAGA Trumpers at the next Berkeley mash-up.

The Leftists have every advantage.  And they are willing to press those advantages for their ideals.

If you consider yourself a Threeper, the time for clearly deciding in your mind under what circumstances you will leave the porch, is here.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Modern OSS Garrote

III Arms Company manufactures a garrote modeled on the original O.S.S. design, sent into action with O.S.S. agents and operators during WWII.  Garrote techniques were taught to general US Army soldiers as recently as 1971 (FM 21-150) and continues today in elite units across the US Armed Services and Intelligence Services.

CIA, US Navy SEALS and US Army Special Forces all directly trace their existence back to the men of O.S.S. - men like Bill Donovan, William Fairbairn, Rex Applegate and Aaron Bank.  Fairbairn & Applegate understood the utility of the wire garrote in certain circumstances over the knife, and they trained their students accordingly.  Here is a video of US Rangers training in various garrotes and techniques.
The garrote can be designed as either a strangulation weapon or a cutting weapon.  As a cutter the garrote must utilize bared wire, often a piano-grade wire.  Coated wire, rope, electrical cord, or even a leather belt will work as a strangulation weapon, especially in improvised circumstances.  Generally speaking, if an operator can afford to spill blood, a knife is often a better choice than a garrote.  However, if the operator must avoid getting wet, a garrote with a coated wire or a sturdy rope is ideal - silent and clean.
Most III Percent Patriots understand that the fight against hardcore Marxists in America - those Marxists who bring violence and particularly those who order violence while remaining safely in their offices and country clubs while surrounded by bodyguards - will require more than ARs and cammies and open conflict to defeat.
Like the O.S.S. Agents and Cold War Agents in our history, modern III Percent Patriots will often accomplish more tactical and strategic gain for Liberty by wearing the uniform of the repairman or waiter while employing a suppressed Walther or garrote, then slipping away silently as shocked Enemies of Liberty are left to bleed out on the floors of their offices, restaurants and homes as their Marxist friends shriek in horror and surprise.
Modern Patriots must embrace both the Militiaman and the Spy if Liberty is to triumph.

Make no mistake, Liberty and Tyranny are at war and every neighborhood in America is a battleground.  If your child attends public schools, you already know that Marxists and Useful Idiots in that school are pushing Marxist teachings upon your children.  There is no community in America that is immune from this fight.
Before this fight goes hot, it will be fought in the cold and the shadows by patriotic Cold Warriors.
Arm yourself with the highest quality and professionally built tools of the Militiaman and the Spy.  
Be ready to fight on any ground the Enemies of Liberty present.  
They mean to be Masters, as Daniel Webster warned us all.  Will you accept slavery upon bended knee - or will you fight?
Tools for the Professional Patriot, here.

President Trump: Free the Hammonds

President Trump, we request that on Day One, Hour One of your Presidency, you Pardon and order the immediate release of Dwight and Steve Hammond.

Then we request you either pardon every American Patriot currently under indictment for the Bundy Ranch affair, or order your Attorney General to stand down the DoJ from prosecuting.

You can begin dismantling Bureau of Land Management and properly investigating the murder of LaVoy Finicum, on Day Two.

The III Percent Patriots of America

**This message has been submitted directly to the Trump Team.